:: ParamList :: exec oc.GetBlogInfo @DomainName = '.com' , @Language = 'en-US' , @BusinessUnit = 'OP' , @BlogCategory = '__ALL__' , @BlogType = 'Research' , @BlogURL = 'water-flosser-plaque-removal-2023' , @Brand = '__ALL__' ,
WaterpikTM Water Flosser Up to 2X as Effective as Traditional Brushing & Flossing for Removing Plaque & Reducing Bleeding
Efficacy of Water Flossing on Clinical Parameters of Inflammation and Plaque: A 4-Week Randomized Controlled Trial
To compare the efficacy of a pulsating water flosser to a pulsating water flosser infused with air microbubbles on the clinical signs of inflammation and plaque. Manual brushing and flossing were included as a positive control.
One hundred and five subjects were randomized into three groups in this 4-week, single-blind, parallel clinical trial. Group 1 used a WaterpikTM ION water flosser. Group 2 used the Oral B® Advanced water flosser. Group 3 used waxed dental floss. All groups used a manual toothbrush twice a day for two minutes with fluoride toothpaste. The participants could not use any additional interdental products or mouth rinses. All groups were given written and verbal instructions. Bleeding, gingivitis, and plaque were measured at baseline, 2-weeks, and 4-weeks. Indices used were Bleeding on Probing (BOP), Modified gingival index (MGI) and the Rustogi Modified Navy Plaque Index (RMNPI).
From baseline to 4-weeks, the WaterpikTM ION water flosser was more effective at removing plaque and reducing inflammation than either the Oral B® Advanced water flosser or string floss. Compared to the Oral B® Advanced, the WaterpikTM water floss was 26% more effective at reducing bleeding, 26% more effective at reducing gingivitis, and 22% more effective at removing plaque for whole mouth scores. When compared to traditional floss, the ION was up to 2X as effective at reducing whole mouth bleeding and removing plaque. It was 85% more effective than string floss at reducing gingivitis. In the proximal area, ION was up to 7X as effective as string floss at removing plaque, up to 2X as effective at reducing bleeding, and 90% more effective at reducing gingivitis.
This study demonstrated that a manual toothbrush and water flosser, with or without air microbubbles is more effective than string floss for improving gingival health over a 4-week period. The study also indicates that the Oral B® device infused with air microbubbles did not provide an advantage in improving oral health over the WaterpikTM ION water flosser.